Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our planet and retailers have taken up the call to action. Ground-breaking decarbonisation plans will guide the sector in taking vital steps towards a Net Zero society.

There’s a growing trend from Millennials and GenX consumers to buy from companies that demonstrate ethical, sustainable business practices. The major supermarket chains and the most prominent manufacturers have signed up to the UK Plastics Pact. It’s a unique collaboration that brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain. The pact is at the forefront of generating the fundamental change to how we design, produce, use, reuse, dispose and reprocess our plastics. We work with hundreds of service partners across the country and can map the disposal routes of the materials you produce. Our sector experts are on hand to advise you about the recyclability of various grades of plastic to make informed decisions in the design and production of materials.

The spotlight is shining on the fast fashion and apparel industries. With more than 300,000 tonnes of clothing being sent to landfill or incineration every year, we must find ways to make the textiles sector more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We’ve implemented solutions for our clients seeking to reuse clothing, luggage and buggies that are unwanted . We’re well placed to tap into the growing market of social enterprises and charities who can use these products, giving them a second life within the circular economy.

Some retailers have been accused of “greenwashing” consumers with well-designed marketing campaigns that mislead people about the environmental credentials of products and services. We work closely with our clients to ensure we genuinely minimise the impact their waste has on the environment. We will support you in climbing the tiers of the waste hierarchy. We’ve set up the ‘Zero the Hero Club’ to recognise clients who have achieved zero waste to landfill status and realise the associated commercial and environmental benefits.

If producers stop here and deem this as the pinnacle of environmental sustainability, then it’s reasonable to accuse them of greenwashing the consumer. For us, zero landfill is just the first stage in the process. Our Corporate Sustainability team will deliver solutions that maximise the resource value of the materials you generate. We will work with you to map material generation across your supply chain and design solutions that help to close the loop on the circular economy.

We’re sector experts and we believe that by working in partnership with our clients, we can help create cleaner, greener solutions for the waste you generate. Understanding your environmental objectives is fundamental in our approach to business. These objectives influence the size and shape of our supply chain and the profiling and accreditation measures we apply to our partners.

We’re here to help you on your journey towards net-zero, so why not sit down with our sector experts and have a more detailed conversation about the solutions we’re able to deliver.

Craig Millward

Corporate Innovation Consultant

T: 01636640744 M: 07702902591

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I’ve worked in the waste sector for many years, providing solutions for trade, clinical & hazardous waste. I build partnerships with clients in the retail, care home & hospitality sector. Tailoring packages targeting your needs; whether it’s high street service delivery, optimising trade and clinical solutions or cost.